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Cheap & Instant = Waste

There is this growing design problem, and that problem is waste.

Our relentless pursuit of instant gratification in an evolving world exacts a toll not just on the environment but on our sense of connection.

The allure of captivating visuals, persuasive language, immediate accessibility, and the impulse to satisfy desires often leads us down a path of excess, contributing significantly to landfill waste. The quest for commercial interior decor can be a time-consuming endeavor, prompting many to opt for quick, convenient solutions—the proverbial "easy button" purchases.

Items that captivate our senses or streamline our lives may be in vogue, but they often lack depth, fail to improve over time, and foster no meaningful connection to space or people. Consequently, these decorations end up as mere trinkets, destined for waste piles.

To address this, designers require swifter access to high-quality goods that not only enhance spaces but also establish a profound connection with the people inhabiting them.

The silver lining emerges in the form of a growing interest in circular goods and a rise in manufacturers committed to circular practices. Fortunately, there's a positive shift towards embracing sustainability in the design landscape.

"A circular economy is a production and consumption model involving sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible." (Wikipedia)

It's time to shift gears, reconsider hasty purchases, and invest the necessary time in fostering a meaningful connection between space, people, and every decorative piece.

At FNL Finishes, our dedication lies in identifying conscientious manufacturers and artisans, ensuring swift access to these goods for your projects. This ensures you never have to compromise quality for speed.

Beyond merely procuring high-quality items, our pledge is to align these exceptional goods with your design vision. This way, the items adorning the space are intricately tied to a purpose so profound that even if the brand or individual fades away, the pieces endure across generations.


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