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Same Ol' Same Ol'

The hunt for unique, colorful, and organic decor has become a rerun of Groundhog Day. It seems like everywhere we look, marketplaces are overflowing with copycats. It’s frustrating, right?

Everything looks identical, stifling creativity and limiting our ability to create truly distinctive spaces.

This sameness can:

  • Dilute Brand Identity: Making your designs blend into the sea of sameness.

  • Lose Competitive Edge: Costing you the crucial competitive advantage.

  • Disappoint Clients: Damaging your reputation and relationships.

  • Stifle Innovation: Preventing you from pushing creative boundaries.

  • Reduce Referrals: Missing out on potential word-of-mouth business.

  • Erode Trust: Impacting your credibility with clients.

  • Cause Burnout: Leading to creative exhaustion.

Here are some ways we at FNL Finishes find unique art and decor in a saturated, mass-produced market:

  1. Engage with Artisans: Discover handcrafted originality by collaborating directly with talented artisans. These creators offer one-of-a-kind pieces that bring a fresh, authentic touch to your designs, ensuring each item has a story and a soul.

  2. Leverage Social Media: Unearth hidden gems on Instagram and Pinterest. These digital treasure maps are packed with emerging artists showcasing their latest work. Use these platforms to find and connect with creators who can provide distinctive pieces that elevate your designs.

  3. Prioritize Quality: Choose durable, well-crafted items that tell a story. In a world dominated by mass production, prioritizing quality ensures each piece is built to last, adding genuine value and timeless appeal to your spaces.

FNL Finishes is about curating stories, not just filling spaces. Let’s break free from the mundane and embrace the exceptional.

We’re curious - how has your experience been in finding bold, unique, and sustainable pieces?


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